The Follow Ups Are More Important than the Interview Question

Most of the bad hiring decisions I've seen could've been prevented by simply asking more follow up questions, and getting more detail from the candidate. πŸ’β€β™€οΈSo, with this in mind...
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- Job Seekers, when you prepare for interviews, how much information can you provide about each example? Make sure you remember the who, what, when, where and why so you aren't caught off guard mid-interview. If you can't remember enough about it, find another relevant example to share. An example with a less exciting outcome but lots of detail is still better than one that sounds impactful, but doesn't have the details to back it up.
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- Hiring Managers, are you asking enough follow ups? For reference, I try to ask only 3 high level questions in a 60 minute interview, the rest of my questions are follow ups. My goal is to be able to also thoroughly and accurately describe the example given to anyone else on the hiring team when I make my case to hire or pass on the candidate we interviewed.
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If you need some examples, there are follow ups in the Free Hire Possibilities Favorite Interview Question Workbook.

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