4 Ways to Avoid Desperation in your Hiring Process

For both Job Seekers and Hiring Managers, desperation is a sure fire way to find yourself with a hire or job that isn't a good fit. How do you avoid letting it creep into your process? Check out these 4 tips below.

It's important to note that there may be seasons in your journey where you really DO need that job or hire or the outcome will be much more dire and that's okay. These tips are for when you have a little more space to be intentional.

1. Be Proactive- Along those lines, look before you really need that new job or hire, if you can. The earlier you look, the less pressure you'll have at the same time.

2. Keep Your Options Open- Don't stop when you find one really great candidate or job posting, find as many options as you can to ensure you aren't putting all of your eggs in one basket.

3. Have Realistic Expectations- Even if you think you've found the PERFECT person or job, remember that there are always going to be unexpected issues that arise or you won't always be happy in your job. There's no such thing as perfect, but you should stick to your (realistic) standards and find a good fit.

4. Have Faith in the Outcome- Believe that what's meant to happen will happen and that even if this candidate or role isn't the one that is going to stick, it's because there's another opportunity coming.

Without desperation getting in the way, you'll come across as much more even-keeled and be able to make decisions more objectively. It'll also help take some of the pressure off that you're probably putting on yourself in an already stressful process. ❤

Have you found yourself in a situation where you were desperate to hire someone or land a specific job- what was the outcome? What strategies do you use to avoid desperation in your hiring process? Let me know!

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