Happy Holidays

Hi All,

If you’ve been around here, I’m sure you have noticed it’s been a bit quiet lately! My commitments to my family (being a full time primary parent!) mean I have had less time to bring you new valuable quality content on social media on a daily basis. Value is important to me and I don’t want to repeat content just to grab attention - I want to be a helpful resource for you. My current goal is to use all of my available time outside of parenting to provide direct help to my clients. While I am excited by the impact of sharing tips via social media, it has been most rewarding and impactful to connect with you directly.

I’m still here to help you on your hiring journey! Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me directly via the contact form if you need anything. Wishing you a happy healthy holiday season, with thoughts of good luck for your hiring journey in the year ahead.



Self Assured & Savvy Podcast


Instead of “How Do You Handle Pressure?”